Introduction: This article explains how to add delete confirmation for ButtonField, CommandField and TemplateField columns in a GridView. In this example, I am using a GridView and delete buttons to just hide the row to keep the demo simple. Markup: < html xmlns = "" > < head runat = "server" > < title ></ title > </ head > < body > < form id = "form1" runat = "server" > < asp : GridView ID = "GridView1" runat = "server" Font-Names = "Tahoma" Font-Size = "Small" CellPadding = "4" BorderColor = "#507CD1" BorderStyle = "Solid" AutoGenerateColumns = "false" ForeColor = "#333333" GridLines = "None" OnRowDataBound = "GridView1_RowDataBou...
Introduction: This articles shows how to toggle checkboxes selection in a ListView using Javascript. Example in this article shows a ListView populated with random records with SelectAll functionality Background: Often we are required to make one or multiple selection when different options are presented in a databound control such as GridView, Repeater, ListView so on. It is cumbersome to deselect each item individually when the selection has to be cleared. ListView Header can contain a checkbox to select/deselect items in all items of the ListView. Markup: < html xmlns = "" > < head id = "Head1" runat = "server" > < title ></ title > < script type = "text/javascript" > function toggleCheckBoxes(source) { ...
Remove Duplicate Chars From String CREATE FUNCTION dbo.REMOVE_DUPLICATE_INSTR ( @datalen_tocheck INT , @string VARCHAR ( 255 )) RETURNS VARCHAR ( 255 ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @str VARCHAR ( 255 ) DECLARE @count INT DECLARE @start INT DECLARE @result VARCHAR ( 255 ) DECLARE @end INT SET @start = 1 SET @end = @datalen_tocheck SET @count = @datalen_tocheck SET @str = @string WHILE ( @count <= 255 ) BEGIN IF ( @result IS NULL) BEGIN SET @result = '' END SET @result = @result + SUBSTRING ( @str , @start , @end ) SET @str = REPLACE ( @str , SUBSTRING ( @str , @start , @end ), '' ) SET @count = @count + @datalen_tocheck END RETURN @result END GO Usage: SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFF SELECT dbo.Remove_duplicate_instr (< CHAR length OF a duplicate SUBSTRING >,< string contain duplicate >) Example: To keep char set in a string unique and remove duplicate 3 char long string run this UDF as inline function. SET CONCAT_NULL...